
IntermediariesLooking after private clients can be a rewarding experience but you need to know where to go to obtain the help of fellow professionals who will help you provide the best service for your clients and respect the job you already do for them.

Thankfully you have found your way to Pilling & Co whose dealing team and investment managers will discuss your needs frankly and efficiently.

We work with financial advisers, solicitors, accountants and other professional financial intermediaries in the United Kingdom. You can speak to them on 0161 832 6581 or follow links below to the products and services we can put at your disposal.

Some of the information in this area of the website is aimed at financial advisers, solicitors, accountants and other professional financial intermediaries in the United Kingdom. It is not intended for use by private investors or onward distribution to retail clients or the general public.

AIM Portfolio Service for Intermediaries Tools

AIM Portfolio Service for Intermediaries

Pilling & Co have been managing AIM portfolio’s for over 12 years with the AIM Portfolio Service launched in 2008. The Pilling & Co AIM IHT Portfolio is a discretionary managed portfolio service, designed to ...
Rolled Paper Plans

Model Portfolios

We have six models in our Pilling Ideal Portfolio range with a performance history dating back as far as 2001. Model portfolios have several attractions for clients. Not only do they give quick access to ...
Pilling Ideal Portfolios (PIPs)

Pilling Ideal Portfolios (PIPs)

As a stockbroking and wealth management firm our Investment Managers have regular contact with the country’s leading fund management groups. It is difficult for a single fund management group to have sufficient expertise across all ...
Seedlings in Hand

Low Cost Managed Portfolios

We have a range of managed portfolio options that you can access depending upon how much assistance you require and how much you would like to invest. Model portfolios can be used for amounts of ...
File Storage Box and Folders

Nominee Service

Pilling & Co offer a comprehensive nominee service through our nominee company, St Ann’s Square Nominees Limited (SASNL). With standard rolling settlement now just two days, it is impossible to guarantee meeting settlement deadlines without ...
Discretionary Management

Discretionary Management

Many Pilling & Co clients choose to have their investments managed by the firm on a discretionary basis. This is where investment decisions are made by us and acted upon without delay. Some of our ...
Silver Secure Briefcase

Portfolios for Inheritance Tax (IHT) Mitigation

Our AiM Portfolio Service is surely one of the most straightforward and effective methods of estate planning available because it offers investors relief from inheritance tax after just two years. We invest in a portfolio ...
Quill and Ink Pot

Probate Matters

At a time when clients are most in need of help, Pilling & Co are able to provide support, in a sympathetic and caring way. If you should be affected by a bereavement, please feel ...

Important Legal Notice for Intermediaries

The information in this area of the website is aimed at financial advisers, solicitors, accountants and other professional financial intermediaries in the United Kingdom. It is not intended for use by private investors or onward distribution to retail clients or the general public.

The website is for information purposes only and is not to be construed as a solicitation or an offer to purchase or sell investments or related financial instruments.

I confirm that I am a UK investment adviser or professional intermediary authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority or other UK regulatory body.