Whether you are new to Pilling & Co or an existing client, we are pleased to receive transfers from other stockbrokers or managers.
This can be in the form of stock, cash or a combination of both. We accept transfers of ISAs, JISAs, CTFs and Nominee Accounts.
If your account is currently managed or execution only, we can accommodate all levels of service you may require.
With our Custody fee cap in place, once you reach a certain amount of assets with us, the rest are free in effect. For example, if you view and receive your documents and valuations via our on-line portal the maximum custody fee you will pay is £146.30. In other words everything over and above £29,260 there is no additional charge for. So if you were to transfer a £25,000 ISA to us and add it to your existing £30,000 ISA you already have with us, there would be no additional custody charge.
For further details or help please contact our Accounts department on 0161 819 4850.